Wednesday, April 9, 2014


One of the great things about being in the business of collegiate athletics is the amazing people you meet along the way.  During my stop at the University of Central Florida, our Sports Information Director Jenna Marina came to be someone I greatly respected -- not just for the job she did but because of how obviously she cared about the student-athletes that she is involved with and how she worked to make their experience special.

Further evidence of this is that in May she is headed on a service trip with a group of 25 student-athletes and staff.  They'll be travelling to St. Vincent and the Grenadines, off the coast of Venezuela. One of their goals there will be to rebuild a library and encourage education as well as teaching children on the islands that sport can make a difference in opportunities for education. 

She quickly reached out to me because she knows of my love for reading. You can easily donate money through this link:

If you would like a tax deduction, you can write a check out to the Golden Knights Club and put "Knights Without Borders -- Jenna Marina" in the memo line. They can send the check to me to:

Jenna Marina
UCF Communications
Wayne Densch Bldg 39
4000 Central Florida Blvd
Orlando, FL 32816

I love it when athletes go the extra mile to give back to communities -- and the gift of reading is certainly a great investment towards education.  I sent my check in the mail today -- hope you will consider helping as well.

Good luck Jenna & Knights!