Friday, July 10, 2009


As coaches, we are great at finding a player(s) that does something wrong in practice and correcting them. Same principle holds true when we are watching video with out team. And don't get me wrong -- it's an important part of teaching. But just as important is the ability to see your players executing correctly and letting them know. After a loss, we are always going to show video clips of our mistakes to our team. But even in defeat, we will make sure that they see clips of properly executed possessions as well. I think the same is true in parenting or being the CEO of a major corporation. That's why we enjoyed, and believe, in this passage by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson:

The key to developing people is to catch them doing something right.

Catching people doing things right is a powerful management concept. Unfortunately, most leaders have a genius for catching people doing things wrong. I always recommend that leaders spend at least an hour a week wandering around their operation catching people doing things right.

Catching people doing things right provides satisfaction and motivates good performance. But remember, give praise immediately, make it specific, and finally, encourage people to keep up the good work. This principle can also help you shine at home. It’s a marvelous way to interact with and affirm the people in your life.

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