Wednesday, January 30, 2013


People are motivated by the positive far more than the negative.  Seeking success and happiness will spur stronger action than seeking to avoid punishment.  Psychological studies repeatedly show that people are for more likely to be spurred to action by a vision of a positive outcome than they are by avoiding a negative one.  So while you should still fix and improve behavior relentlessly, strive to do so positively as you can, using these six rules:

Live in the Now
Focus corrective interactions on the things students should do right now to succeed from this point forward.

Assume the Best
Don't attribute to ill intention what could be the result of distraction, lack of practice, or genuine misunderstanding.

Allow Plausible Anonymity
Allow students the opportunity to strive towards your expectations in anonymity as long as they are making a good faith effort.  Begin by correcting them without using their names, when possible.

Build Momentum/Narrate the Positive
Great teachers conjure momentum by normalizing the positive.  They draw attention to the good and the "getting better."  Narrating your weakness only makes your weakness seem normal.

Kids love to be challenged.  They love to prove they can do things.  They love to compete.  They love to win.  So challenge them; exhort them to prove what they can do; build competition into the day.

Talk Expectations and Aspiration
Talk about who your students are becoming and where they're going.  Frame praise in those terms.  When your class looks great, tell them they look "college," tell them they look like "scholars," tell them you feel like you're sitting in the room with future presidents and doctors and artists.

From "Practice Perfect" by Doug Lemov, Erica Woolway and Katie Yezzi

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