Friday, May 17, 2013


I can remember as a very young coach purchasing my first motivational cassette tape.  It was "If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me" by George Raveling.  It had a profound effect on me -- I was in control of my own destiny.  The following are some notes on Coach Raveling that I found rummaging through some of my stuff from Coach Eric Musselman:

* "The game of life is the biggest game you'll ever play. We need to be a dreamer, an earner, a worker, and to believe in ourselves."

* "We don't dream enough. A man's and a woman's dreams soon become their realities. Dream big. We cannot accomplish anything in our lives unless we imagine it first."

* "Be a learner. A person who does not read is no better than a person who cannot read. Education is a lifelong process." (Ed. Note. Those of us fortunate enough to know George Raveling know that it is not uncommon for him to read 100 books a year.)

* "The most important fundamental to living a successful life is to believe in oneself. You should be number one on your hit parade. You are at a minimum a 25% better person than you think you are."

* "Most people fail in life because they don't have a plan. Set a goal and write it down. Put it where you can see it every day. Work toward your goals every day."

Be sure to check out Coach Raveling's website -- it's OUTSTANDING!

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