Thursday, January 2, 2014


A special thanks to Jennifer Hogan who tweeted the link to a blog post by Krissy Venosdale.  The blog is titled Venspired. This post is outstanding -- "The 5 Most Important Things A Leader Ever Said To Me."  You can read it in it's entirety here.

1.) Your character is not defined by others’  opinions. 
Everyone knows this, right?  But when you think outside the box, your ideas often come under fire, especially from colleagues.  It’s something people don’t like to talk about.  But, it happens.  I’m grateful to the leader who repeated this to me, not in a crowded staff meeting, but when I needed to hear it most.

2.) Can you help with this?
Leadership is not about yourself.  If that’s what it is to you, then maybe you’re in the wrong business. It’s about collaboration. Working together toward a common goal.  You cannot carry out a vision on your own.  You need every person you work with to join in.  Asking for help isn’t a sign of a weak leader, it’s a sign of one who is building a strong team.

3.) Are you okay?
Sure, most days you’re fine.  But on the days you aren’t?  It’s the leader who notices, asks what they can do to help, and walks along side you that shows you the true value in great leadership.  We all stumble.  We all fall.  To the leaders who take the time to notice, support, and guide, I’m grateful for the way they have changed me.

4.) What can you do today to be better tomorrow?
It’s always about being better.  My inner-perfectionist screams this, but the reality is, there is always something we can do, right now, to improve.  Even one small thing.  A great leader will make you want to find that.  Not because they told you to, but because they are so busy trying to be better themselves, and support you at being better, that you feel inspired, just by being there.

5.) Thank you for making a difference.
It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day.  We all do.  Life has a way of drawing us in, moving faster than an 80 mph treadmill shooting sparks out the side.  A note in our mailbox, a simple conversation at the copier, stopping by to see what our kids are learning or take interest in a special project that the kids have done?  Those are all ways of saying “Thank you for making a difference.” It’s not something that can be said too often, but it is something that needs to be authentic, from the heart, and meaningful.

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