Wednesday, October 8, 2014


The past three days I have posted a lot of tweet via my twitter account.  In case you missed them, here they are all compiled:

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: "It is not the system, but the execution of the system, that counts." -Tex Winter

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Run a play out of timeout that is a wrinkle of your normal offense and your players will be able to execute it.” –Doc Rivers

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Shot discipline and role identification go together.” Coach K

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Encourage team play -- achieve results through cooperation and unselfish effort on the part of every player.” –Dean Smith

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Spread defense allows you to get offensive rebounds.” -Brendan Suhr

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “If you had two things, and only two things, you could have a decent offense. They are good shot selection and spacing.” –Kevin O’Neil

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Design you offense so that your players get shots where they can make the most shots.” –Sonny Smith

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Maintain spacing: Is your team maintaining spacing on the 3rd side of the floor after 2 reversals.” –Rick Majerus

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “You have to win inside regardless of your post game.” –Jim Crews

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Cutting is the most important way a player can contribute to our offense.” –Bob Knight

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “The habit of watching a teammate's opponent when making a pass should be developed." –Clair Bee

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “The toughest thing to guard is a great shooter that screens.” -Roy Williams

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Don’t do drills in practice that don’t represent a portion of your system.” -Gary Williams

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “The key to posting is do your work BEFORE you catch the ball.”

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “My emphasis is not on running an is on teaching my team offense. We want players who can play offense, not run an offense.” -Coach K

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “You have to win inside regardless of your post game.” -Jim Crews

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Repetition is the key to success — doing what you have to do over and over and always doing it right.” -Pete Carrill

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Find good things to break down a defense.” -Pete Gaudet

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “The best attitudes in the world won’t help win ball games if they’re not accompanied by a fundamental competence in the game.”
-Dr. Jack Ramsay

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: ”I am literally a fanatic of spacing.” –Tex Winter

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Shot selection – I’ll stop practice and ask how many of you liked that shot?” -Roy Williams

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Play the Man on Offense…Play the Ball on Defense” -Coach Knight

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: ““We don’t ask any kid to do something he is not capable of doing. Don’t put players in roles that they can’t be successful.” -Jim Crews

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “If you don’t have anything to complain about, you can always complain about screening.” -Jim Crews

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Bad shooters are always open” -Pete Carril

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “It is an axiom of basketball that the better a player screens, the better the chance of a good close shot for the screener." –Pete Newell

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “The toughest thing to defense is movement and the toughest movement to defend is screening.” -Coach K

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: ““In all my years of coaching, I have never been successful using somebody else’s plays.” #Lombardi

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: "Offense is spacing...spacing is offense." –Chuck Daly

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “The best drills work on both offense and defense at the same time.” -Bob Knight

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: “Only take shots that have over a 50% chance of going in.” -Bob Knight

OFFENSIVE CONCEPTS: "Concentration leads to...Anticipation, which leads to...Recognition, which leads to...Execution, which leads to ...Completion." -Bob Knight

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