Tuesday, September 18, 2012


In 2008, Pat Williams, the GM of the Orlando Magic and a tremendous motivational speaker put out a book, "The Ultimate Coaches' Clinic." It is a fascinating book because of the style Pat utilized. He surveyed over 1000 coaches and administrators for insights to what is important to successfully do their job. It is a great book to own and I highly recommend it. Here are some thoughts from Pat Riley.

Impart the difference between belief and trust. Trust transcends belief. Your players must know what you are reliable and can help get them to where they want to go.

This is what happens whenever people on a team decide not to trust: Everyone will gear down their effort until they’re doing just enough to get by. They want, subconsciously, to enroll everyone else in their cycle of disappointment.

Complacency is the last hurdle any winner, any team must overcome before attaining potential greatness. Complacency is the success disease; it takes root when you’re feeling good about who you are and what you’ve achieved.

Coaching is overrated; leadership is not.

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