Sunday, September 23, 2012


I'm going to print this out and put somewhere that will remind me to read it a couple of times a week -- I'm of course going to share it with our team:
"Do not imagine yourself to be less than you are, not more than you are, but seek always to become all of which you are capable. Do not allow yourself to become arrogant or discourteous, for both are characteristics adopted by those who seek to cover their weaknesses. Do not spend time regretting the past, but invest that time wisely by preparing a better future. You are a fertile seed of the creator of all things, destined not to lie dormant, but to spring forth from the soil called life, and grown upward toward the unlimited horizons, overcoming all obstacles in the process. It is your destiny to tap your talents and to achieve all that of which you believe yourself to be worthy… to love more, anticipate more, overcome more, plan more, attract more, and to enjoy more than you ever dreamed possible. Such is the standard of life awaiting your mental decision and outstretched hand. You are deserving—you are becoming—you shall succeed."
From "The Season of Life" by Jim Rohn

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