Friday, January 14, 2011


Just got to thinking how fortunate I've been to be in the NBA and observe all the great players -- but not from a “wow" standpoint. I get to see how they operate and what makes them special. Among many other things, here's a list of separators:

They have tremendous focus on the floor and whenever a coach is talking

They want to know anything a coach can give them that will improve their game; always willing to learn

They want to get their work in every day

They go every bit as hard in practices as they do the games

They stay on the practice floor or in the drill until they get it right

They know the little things often separate them from the rest of the players in the league; they pay attention to details

They can’t stand players that don’t work

They very seldom sit out of practices

They don’t mind being corrected and coached when they know the coach is right and the coach is telling them the truth

They want to hear the truth

They are committed to all aspects of their game -- their skills, their bodies, their training, their conditioning, the food they eat……everything

They hold themselves personally accountable

They will also hold their teammates accountable for their roles

They despise losing

They understand that great players need great teammates; they appreciate team basketball

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