Tuesday, June 25, 2019


In April, I had the privilege of attending an "Unleashing Greatness" seminar that was co-hosted by Ed Molitor  and Don Yaeger.  It was a one-day conference on the campus of Texas A&M and a tablet full of notes later I wanted to share with you just a few of the great bullet points I got from Ed on topics such as leadership, culture, accountability and recruiting.

The 3 pillars to Authenticity

   Start with yourself — tell yourself the truth

EM: “Get access to the truest version of yourself.”

What are your core values?  Think of great accomplishments...what values show up in your best moments.

Challenge yourself to come up with 3 personal core values.

EM: “Leadership is not so much about solving a problem as it is finding a solution.  It’s a team mindset.”

Give ‘em a reason to look up to you...something that’s not on the stat sheet.

When you ask for help it…
...shows respect for the person giving the advice
...shows respect for the experience, skill, insight
...shows respect and trust by making yourself vulnerable

Leadership qualities:
   Risk Awareness

EM: “A team is a direct reflection of it’s head coach.”

Three concepts for authenticity:
1. Courage to say what you stand for
2. Able to behave in a way that’s aligned to your values
3. Able to recognize you need help


Culture: shared values, beliefs and behaviors 

Bad/poor cultures are also contagious.

“cultus” to pay for positive

Worth fighting for
“Believe in” vs. “Buy in”
Emotional Attachment
Safety — not soft

Championship Cultures
   Vision—Compelling (singleness of purpose)
   Process—Be present

   Self-discipline drives your self-control
   Self-control drives your self-confidence
   Self-confidence drives your self-motivation

Recruiting question: “Will they leave their jersey in a better position.”

How do people treat others than can not help them with their goals

EM: “Be your own accountability partner.”


What is my process?
What skills do I need to be working on by getting reps?
When is the last time I ran my feedback loop?

EM: “There’s a difference between intent and behavior.”