Edison’s son quickly evacuated the building. Using his smock to shield him from the heat of the flames, he desperately called for his father, fearing Edison might still be in the barn trying to save his precious lifework. Running frantically, the young man circled the barn, hoping his father had escaped through another exit. On his second time around the building, he turned a corner and, to his great relief, there stood his legendary father. Edison’s hands were buried deep in his soot-speckled smock, his white hair blackened with ash. He was watching intently as flames devoured the structure.
“Father!” cried Edison’s son. “I was afraid you were still inside!” Without taking his eyes off the flames, Edison said, with a sense of urgency, “Son, go get your mother!”
“Why, dad?”
With a twinkle in his eyes his father replied, “Because your mother comes from a small town and she’s never seen a fire like this before!”
When the flames had finished their work, leaving only a twisted frame, Edison turned to his son. “You know anyone who has a tractor?”
“Yes, Dad, but why?”
Edison answered, “Because it’s time to rebuild, Boy. It’s time to rebuild.”
From "Attitudes That Attract Success"
By Wayne Cordeiro