The best thing I enjoy about twitter is the vast amount of knowledge out there that can be acquired. There are so many experts in the twitter universe willing to share their expertise and we are all fortunate enough to benefit for the servant attitude. One of my favorite to follow is @MichaelHyatt by none other than Michael Hyatt. He passes on a wealth of knowledge in various areas including thoughts and concepts on "intentional leadership." He also has one of the best blogs out there and I highly recommend to all.
Here is a sample of his most recent blog:
Everyone wants to be a leader. However, few are prepared to accept the accountability that goes with it. But you can’t have one without the other. They are two sides of the same coin.
But what does accountability look like?
First and foremost, it means that you accept responsibility for the outcomes expected of you—both good and bad. You don’t blame others. And you don’t blame the external environment. There are always things you could have done—or still can do—to change the outcome.
Until you take responsibility, you are a victim. And being a victim is the exact opposite of being a leader.
Victims are passive. They are acted upon. Leaders are active. They take initiative to influence the outcome.
This is just the introductory portion of Michael's post on this subject -- the meat and potatoes are to follow and you can (and should) read the entire post her: I promise you won't be sorry!