Friday, March 30, 2012


Goals versus Dreams. What’s the difference. Dreams are where we want to end up. Goals are how we get there. Dreams are our vision of where we are after our struggle, the prize at the end of the journey. Goals are the individual steps we take to ultimately deserve the prize.

You can have big dreams, but you must understand that your long-term successes are a direct result of what you can achieve every day.

We always can do more than we think we can do. Anyone who has ever achieved anything significant knows this. We always can work harder. We always can put in longer hours, expend more energy. We always can perform better.

Motivated people raise the bar to supposedly unreachable heights and then establish the methods necessary to reach those heights. They purposely set difficult goals for themselves, because they realize that if the challenge isn’t worthy, the payoff will be empty and unsatisfactory.

Working hard is not always fun. That’s why it’s called “work.”

From "Success Is A Choice" by Rick Pitino