Friday, December 7, 2012


Yesterday morning I was honored with the opportunity to speak to the Rotary Club of College Station.  It was a wonderful organization that is impacting our community -- as well as being great followers of our Aggie Basketball Program.  They start each meeting be reciting "The Four-Way Test" which is a mantra for their organization.  They also presented me with a ceramic coaster with "The Four-Way Test" printed on it.

"The Four-Way Test" is of the things we think, say or do.  Certainly in this age of social media, I think we can add tweeting, Facebook messages and texting to areas where "The Four-Way Test" should be applied.

Here it is: it the TRUTH? is FAIR to all concerned?

Third...will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?

Fourth...will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Seems like common sense but how many of us stop to think what we say or do to "type?"