1. To look on one’s coaching work as an integral part of the school system with a definite contribution to make to the cause of education.
2. To keep in the foreground the fundamental, educational objective of athletic competition and to make other ends subservient to this main purpose.
3. To consider the welfare of players of paramount important and not to tolerate their exploitation for personal or private gain.
4. To cultivate the confidence and respect of rival coaches, to look on them as colleagues and friends, and to treat them and talk to them as such.
5. To use one’s influence to counteract unfounded rumors of questionable practices or violations of rules by opponents.
6. To give all reasonable support to the officials in charge of the game.
7. To refuse to teach or permit techniques or play contrary to the letter or spirit of the rules.
8. To encourage players to respect and accept, without wrangling, the authority and decisions of the officials and to refrain from insulting them or the opponents.
9. To discourage illegitimate recruiting, betting on games, and all other practiced that tend to commercialize players and deprive them of the character-building opportunities that should be a vital part of football training.
10. To be gentlemanly and considerate in victory, undismayed and courageous in defeat.