For all his career achievements, Colin Powell says he did not build his life around goals: “I never put chalk marks on the wall [that indicated] I’ve got to do this. I’ve tried to do my best at what has come my way…. I’m not without ambition, but I’m not driven by ambition. I’ve had a full and active public life.” Powell says he would like to be remembered “as a good soldier who served well and is well thought of by his fellows.” Those fellows include his greatest mentors, “the captains and majors who taught me as a lieutenant and kept me going straight ahead.”
His best advice for others: “Look for something you love to do and you do well. Go for it. It will give you satisfaction in life. It could mean money, but it may not. It could mean a lot of titles, but it may not. But it will give you satisfaction.”
His best advice for others: “Look for something you love to do and you do well. Go for it. It will give you satisfaction in life. It could mean money, but it may not. It could mean a lot of titles, but it may not. But it will give you satisfaction.”
Read the entire article here: