You organize your drive each and every day.
Being driven is all about being organized.
My daily routine facilitates my drive. It is organized and as close to airtight as I can make it—there isn’t much dead time built in, because dead time rarely helps you attain those daily goals.
An organized plan of attack helps everyone.
To keep my schedule as organized as possible, I write it all down on a daily basis. This is an idea I borrowed from my old boss Hubie Brown, who wrote down everything—he’d take notes on phone conversations, and would refer back to them weeks later. Hubie wrote his daily duties on a notebook page divided in half: calls he had to make, other duties to perform, and things to improve. What didn’t get done on Monday, he moved across the page to his list for Tuesday. I’ve modified that system, using my trusty note cards and a blue pen I carry with me at all times. At the end of the day, I review what happened, and I circle in red everything that didn’t get done and needs to carry over to tomorrow. Then I chart the next day before I go to bed. I’ve learned better than to leave it up to memory. Passing thoughts and sudden ideas need to be written down, or else I’ll forget. If I’m recruiting a player and I go watch his high school team practice, when I leave the gym, I’ll grab a card and jot down what I saw or something that came up in conversation with his coach.
If I’m not in a place where I can write something down—say, in the car—I’ll keep a tape recorder handy. There have been several occasions when I’ve used the tape recorder to gather my thoughts for a motivational talk to my team or points of emphasis in a pregame press conference.
From Rebound Rules: The Art of Success 2.0
By Rick Pitino
By Rick Pitino