1. Recruit Well.
Considered one of the best recruiters in college football, Carroll has mastered this idea. Nothing builds championship teams better than talented players to fill every spot on the roster. And that even includes the second team. So whether it's on the playing field or in a conference room, you want the best players you can find. Take time to recruit the best candidates for a job and then take even more time finding out what motivates them, where their passions lie, and how they will work in your game plan. And they should be good on defense (help to protect the brand you worked hard to build) and on the offense (with new ideas and ways to grow the business).
2. Use Social Networking Tools.
Pete Carroll has a USC-run page on Facebook that's used to help with recruiting and finding new people to join his team. With nearly 70 million users, that's a lot of recruits.
3. Think Positively.
According to those who are close to the legendary coach, Carroll is an eternal optimist and has even been quoted as saying, "I always think something good is just about to happen." With numerous national championships under his belt, it seems as though that strategy of positive thinking is working.
4. Let the Stars Shine.
Carroll turned out three Heisman Trophy winners in four years --- showing that you've got to let the natural leaders on your team rise to the top and shine in the spotlight for a job well done. Five titles in the Pac-10 prove that the rest of his team will support the leaders and find ways to win.
5. Have Fun.
Carroll invited USC alum Will Ferrell to give a motivational speech up to give the team a motivational speech. In true Ferrell style, he came as his Ricky Bobby character from Talladega Nights wearing the driving suit from the movie. A practical joker himself, Carroll played the part and also wore a NASCAR suit.
6. Build Fans.
Under Carroll's tenure, USC home games have consistently sold out … meaning he's sharing his successes with thousands of people. Get the word out about all you've accomplished and watch your fan base grow.
7. Give Your Team Stability.
Each off-season, talk is rampant that Carroll will jump to the ranks of the NFL, but year after year, he makes the decision to remain loyal to the Trojans. This way, his team members and recruits have faith that their leader will stick around to help work toward another championship.
8. Let Your Team Know You're One of Them.
Known to join his players on the field during practice sessions, Carroll will run sprints and routes, and toss the ball around from time to time. He strives to let his players know that he's willing to work as hard as they do and is as dedicated to winning each and every game as they are.
From Success Magazine