Monday, September 21, 2009


The following is a goal-setting article by Holly Stonebrook. She has written the guidelines for personal goal setting but it could also be easily utilized for team goals as well:

There are times in life when the end goal we have set for ourselves is larger than we want to see. These goals are best broken down into smaller steps along the way. Goal setting for success can help to break down the seemingly insurmountable walls surrounding these goals. At the heart of goal setting is the smaller bits and pieces of the whole and the celebrations we give ourselves along the way.

Personal goal setting can work to make goal achievement easy and rewarding. These tips can hep guide your personal goal setting in the right direction.

Large goal, small steps.
The realistic nature of small goals makes the personal goal setting more apt for success. When we aim huge, we set ourselves up for failure. For instance, if we want lose weight and 100 lbs is our end goal, the smaller goals setting steps along the way may be in 10 lb increments. This way, every time those small goals are reached, the end goal becomes more near and we see that as a reality and not as a distant dream.

Celebrate the small goals.
Waiting until the end goal is reached is not a good choice. We need to celebrate every achievement along the way and that means those small goal setting goals. Success from goal setting will never be achieved if we do not thank ourselves for being so diligent along the way. At the heart of the smaller goals setting goals is the chance to celebrate those small successes.

Lose the pride.
Pride is the number one reason why goals setting goals are not met with success. Just because we start out on a journey toward a huge end, does not mean our successes are dependent on taking that journey alone. Goal setting should be flexible enough to incorporate the help of others. No matter how we achieve success, it feels good to use our goal setting choices to just be successful.

Revise when needed.
Goal setting is not perfect. Life comes at you with the force of reality and often goal setting needs to be reworked in order to fit the current times and life choices. Success is not measured on the accomplishment of the original goal, just n accomplishment in general. You are the one that controls your goal setting fate and ultimately your success. Do not be afraid to change and modify your goals as needed.

Not every success is a success.
Sometimes goal setting means we are going to succeed and sometimes we are not. Our goals are points that we will aim for and goal setting a path to take. When reality moves our goals out of reach, it is the will to keep walking toward the end and making those small advances that is the real achievement.

Taking your time and setting goals that are achievable will make the difference in goal setting for personal success. It is the goals we set in our lives that make us drive for more and strive for the best. Goal setting needs to be realistic and open to change. And, when goals setting works and those success goals are reached, celebrate and reward yourself.