Sunday, September 27, 2009


Don't relish conflict, but don't fear it. Conflict is one of the most misunderstood parts of our existence. It is often unpleasant; many people try to avoid it. Others seem to thrive on the stress of it. I think some even use it to overpower others. Maybe that's why they look for opportunities to bully people.

However, conflict is best seen as an opportunity to understand our differences, since that's when conflict usually arises: where we see something differently.

When a problem does come up, think constructively. You are not attacking the other person, and hopefully he is not attacking you, either. If he is, redirect him to the problem. That is what you both should be focused on: the principle, not the person.

Stay focused on solutions and communication. Admit when you're wrong, but stand your ground when you're right.

From "Uncommon" by Tony Dungy