Monday, February 13, 2012


Picked up the following from "Chris LoCurto's Blog" and believe it really hits home I think for coaches this time of the season.  We are so caught up in game-to-game grind of preparation, coupled with recruiting and everyting else in our job do that we may not take the time to show appreciation to people whoe help us achieve success.  As a coach it could be the behind the scenes work of your managers, the tireless effort of your secretary, possibly an administrator who is working to help your program....or even a role player that has quietly been making a difference in your team.  It's very important to make sure those people feel appreciated.  Here is a portion of that article from Chris' blog (you can read his entire outstanding post at:

Recognition is a funny animal. Author Ken Blanchard says, “The last applause most people got was at their high school graduation.” How sad is that? I mean, think about it. When’s the last time someone applauded you that didn’t involve tripping over something and landing on your face?

The truth is, we all want to be accepted for who we are and recognized for our talents and abilities. Nobody likes the guy who recognizes you by checking it off the task list in his head. Instead, we all would like someone to put their arm around our neck and tell us how amazing we are. We want a person to tell us that we’re special and just how proud they are of us. Okay, I can hear the tough folks out there saying, “I don’t need that sissy stuff!” Oh yes you do … and it’s not sissy.

It’s called affection. And if you don’t recognize it, you probably haven’t received it in a while. What’s sad is that so many people haven’t felt that pat on the back, heard the sincere voice of appreciation, or heard applause that didn’t require them eating 10 tacos in under a minute for so long that they don’t realize how many people around them haven’t either.

There are people on your team, in your leadership and within your family and friends who are starved for recognition. And while it’s highly possible you’re not receiving the recognition you deserve right now, you have the choice to break that cycle. Spend a few moments thinking of some of the amazing things your team members, spouse and children have done lately and go tell them about it. Who knows—they might just recognize you back.

Question: What’s your favorite way someone showed appreciation for you??