Friday, July 10, 2009


It's a Friday morning and I'm actually spending just a little time this morning clearing up a little clutter on my desk -- trying to get a little organized before the day gets started. One of my favorite organization books is Time Power by Brian Tracy and here 's a few things that will definately help me this morning:

Four ideas for personal organization

1. Neatness is a key habit. Remember that neatness is a key habit for personal productivity. You can dramatically increase your productivity and output simply by cleaning up and organizing your workspace.

2. Stand back and evaluate yourself. Stand back from your desk or work area and ask, “What kind of person works at that desk?”

In a serious interview with senior executives, fifty out of fifty-two of the respondents said that they would not promote a person with a messy desk or a cluttered work environment.

3. Refuse to make excuses. Many people working in a messy environment use their intelligence against themselves. They use their cleverness to justify and excuse themselves or the messiness of their workspace. They say things like, “I know where everything is.”

4. Work from a clean desk. Direct mail entrepreneur Joe Sugarman once wrote a book explaining his five rules for success. One of his five principles was, “End every day with a clean desk.” He made this rule throughout his organization.

Three steps to organizing your workspace

1. Clear your desk.
Begin your process of getting organized by clearing your desk of everything but the one thing that you are working on at the moment.

2. Assemble everything you need.
Arrange to have everything you need at hand before you begin any task.

3. Handle each piece of paper only once.
Resolve to handle every piece of paper only once. Make a decision to do something with it when you pick it up, and don’t pick it up unless you are ready to act on it.