Friday, July 24, 2009


From Orrin Woodward's leadership blog comes some thoughts on the reason for the success of Emmitt Smith:

On your quest for excellence, you will learn to apply some of the same principles to accomplish excellence. You will also run into the some of the same challenges that Emmitt did. For example:

1. Many will minimize you and your abillity to accomplish your dream. - During the NFL draft many critics said Emmitt was too slow to play in the NFL.

2. When you succeed, many will minimiaze your contributions by saying anyone in your situation could do it. - Critics stated that many NFL backs could lead the NFL in rushing if the had the offensive line of the Dallas Cowboys.

3. You will learn to play hurt on the way to your dream. If you cannot play hurt, you cannot accomplish big dreams. - Emmitt separated his shoulder in a key game, but refused to go out because the season was on the line.

4. You will learn to refuse to read your own press clippings. - Emmitt never allowed his growing success to change who he was or his discipline to continue.

5. You will be blessed with great teammates to support you on your journey. - Emmitt has encouraging teammates who believed in his vision to break the record.

6. You will develop a sense of historic imagination to carry you through the daily grind. - Emmitt had studied the greatest backs and knew the magnitude of the historic quest that he was undertaking.

7. You will learn that many who start the journey with you will not finish it with you. - When Emmitt set the record, Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin were both retired.

8. You will learn that excellence requires excellence requires sacrifice, but it is worth the price. - Emmitt maintained a strict regimen of eating, exercising, and self-denial to accomplish excellence.