Monday, July 6, 2009


In their book, "The Seven Secrets of Successful Coaches," Jeff Janssen and Greg Dale speak to the topic of working to help you team reach their full potential. In the book, the authors give those seven secrets.

The Seven Secrets (Becoming a Credible Coach)

Credible coaches are…

…they seek do the right thing.

Competent…they have a thorough understanding of the strategies and fundamental of the game.

Committed…they create successful visions for the teams and are more than willing to put in the time required to make them happen.

Caring…they care about their athletes as people.

Confidence-builders…they plant seeds of success in their athletes minds and convince them they can and will be successful.

Communicators…they are open, honest and direct when communicating with individuals on their team.

Consistent…they have a philosophy that remains stable over time though they are flexible enough to adapt to change.