We have an 11-page booklet that we give our team each year with these commandments and we expect them to first memorize them so that when they come to practice they know what they are trying to accomplish. Each page in the book it dedicated to one commandment and gives details as to how we expect them to perform. To receive an emailed copy of the booklet, simply contact me at rstarke@lsu.edu.
Here is the short list:
1. Thou Shalt Practice Hard
2. Thou Shalt Practice Intelligently
3. Thou Shalt Practice Together
4. Thou Shalt Run The Floor
5. Thou Shalt Stay In They Stance
6. Thou Shalt Get A Hand On The Ball
7. Thou Shalt Take Care Of The Ball
8. Thou Shalt Take Good Shots
9. Thou Shalt Communicate
10. Thou Shalt Practice That Way Everyday
We are not saying that these are perfect for everyone -- but they meet how we want to play.