One of the best camps in the country for developing perimeter players is Point Guard College headed up by former University of Virginia standout Dena Evans. Dena has a philosophy she teaches the point guards including The 6 Intangibles To Master That Makes You Invaluable.
Good teams practice with enthusiasm and zest...a quiet gym is a losing gym...Enthusiasm = Excellence...demand energy.
Talk on the floor, call names, give them reminders often.
All the time -- not a sometime thing..."sheepdog mentality"...persistent, enthused, work, everyday.
Body language is important.
Exactness...attention to detail...accuracy...sharpness of approach.
Contribute to the environment -- don't contaminate it...make it better doing something extra...expect to do more that your expected extra...come earlier, stay later, compliment someone, smile, push a broom, pick up trash...and don't expect praise for doing something extra.
One of Dena's favorite quotes: "Championships are won with high levels of energy, spirit, and enthusiasm."