When she flew in to Baton Rouge, I picked her up at the airport and we stopped for a cup of coffee and to talk some basketball. Actually, I asked a lot of questions and she did a lot of talking. I wasn't going to miss out on an opportunity to learn.
Coach Laursen was in the first year of her "retirement" after a lifetime of coaching and I asked her what she missed the most.
"The van rides."
It was a short and simple answer but it immediately hit home with me. As an NAIA coach, I often drove the van with the players through the hills of West Virginia to play our basketball games. There was nothing more enjoyable than a van ride home after a victory. After a loss, there was an opportunity to talk and teach as we weaved through the mountains. At times, I learned more about our players in the van than I did on the court.
So as we leave another Thanksgiving holiday, be thankful for the great game of basketball -- be thankful for the good wins -- be thankful for coaching friends, good players that are also good people and be thankful for the "van rides."