Sunday, August 23, 2009


OFFICE (8-23-2009) - Today officially starts the 2009-2010 season for the LSU Lady Tigers Basketball Team. At 2:00 PM today we will have our first official team meeting. And then we're off...

What we want to do with our blog this year is give everyone inside glimpses as to how a collegiate basketball program is run -- THE LADY TIGER WAY!

We are talking about some amazing access as to what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how we will attempt to do it.

Certainly there are as many ways to run a program as there are coaches but hopefully through the course of the season, you gather some insight from what we do at LSU that might benefit you and your program.

We will post blog updates on things life staff meetings, practices, game preparation and team meetings. We will post blog updates from the office, the Pete Maravich Assembly Center, the bus and hotels from road games. Our goal is to, through this blog, give you a look into a college basketball program on daily basis.

There will be updates from areas that many coaches understand but little is written about -- specifically about marking and promotions of a program.

For those that want an even great look into our Lady Tiger Program, please follow me on twitter at:

I plan on twittering about our program "right there on the spot." Tweets will come from:
--practice...during breaks I will give you thoughts about our practice
--before tip-off...tweets about pre-game talks
--half-time...updates about our adjustments
--post game...immediate follow-ups straight from the locker room

Blog entries specific to our program will be titled, "The Lady Tiger Way." Certain posts will include my email to allow you a chance to ask questions and at times for me to invoke your advice and thoughts on what our program is going through at that time.

If we could, we would like to ask one favor: in an attempt to increase of viewership, we'd love for your to forward that is post: to other coaches you know. We think the more coaches we get involved the better this blog will be.

Talk to you this afternoon following the team meeting!