Monday, August 17, 2009


To follow up the previous post with Brian Tracy talking about continuing learning comes this from Coach John Wooden:

These words are worth consideration. They go straight to the core of being an effective leader: "Live as though you'll die tomorrow. Learn as though you'll live forever."

The words convey a fitting sense of energy and urgency. Don't squander a single day, and seek knowledge as if you will never die. it is an instruction on how to be an enlightened leader -- one who lasts.

Longevity in leadership is related, in part, to your love of learning and the sense of urgency you attach to it.

Ben Frankling made this observation about a fellow he had known in Philadelphia: "The man died at 25, but wasn't buried until 75." Mr. Frankling was describing a man who stopped learning early on.

In my field of work th eleader is called "a coach." To excel as a coach and leader, you must be a good teacher; to excel as a teacher, leader, and coach, you must remain a student who keeps learning. You must no die at 25.

I beleve the key to learning is listening with both your ears and your eyes. For me, it happened gradually, but it happened because I was blessed with teachers worth listening to.

From "The Essential Wooden" by John Wooden and Steve Jamison