Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We’ve all heard that it’s not what you know but rather who you know that determines your success. But when it comes to building sales relationships, what really counts is “who is GLAD they know you?”

Ask yourself, when you come through the door or place a call to your customers and prospects, do you look like good news to them? Do they look forward to their contact with you? The more you can bring value to everyone you meet, the more they will open their doors and wallets to you.

There are three essential qualities in every high-value relationship:

1. Both parties are committed to the success of the relationship (it can’t be one-sided except in the early stages).

2. There must be enough trust for the truth to flow freely.

3. You need clear agreements. Both of you need to understand what you can expect from the other person.

Jim Cathcart