Friday, October 12, 2012


Good plans must always include time for individual coaching, for it is this area in which the greatest improvement is made.

The whole method of learning affords a player an over-all picture.  He will do better when he understands the purpose behind each play.

In coaching on the field, talking by the coach should be kept to a minimum.  Since the plans for this practice have been gone over in detail in the individual meeting, the coach should need to talk very little on the field. 

Do not break the continuity of a drill to instruct one player.  It is better to take him aside, and allow the drill to continue.

Keep each drill short in order to avoid boredom and to avoid the approach to the learning plateau.

Develop the leadership of your captains and other upper classmen in leading drills, for when the game starts, these men are the leaders.  Their leadership capability will depend very much upon their training in practice.

Develop expressive terminology and standardize it so that it means exactly the same thing to each coach and to each squad member.

Learn to do by doing.  The player must get the "feel" of a technique.  At the same time a coach must be sure that the player is no repeating his mistakes.

In correcting a player, do not merely say "You missed your block," for he knows that.  Instead, stay one step ahead of him by pointing out the reason for his mistake.  You should say "You missed your block BECAUSE you did not move off your inside foot," or BECAUSE you did not move with the snap of the ball."

From "Hot Line to Victory" by Woody Hayes