Thursday, August 20, 2009


Let’s look at some specific techniques which a leader can use to enhance the team spirit:

1. Reward cooperation.
If it is only the prima donnas in the company who get the strokes, your organization will respond by producing more prima donnas. If it is the team players who are rewarded, your organization will produce lots of collaborators.

2. Assign responsibility for group morale to the group itself.
Peer pressure is always more successful than pressure from the top, so impress on the people in your committee or your family that part of their job is creating the right mood. In short, you have taught them to be motivators.

3. Plan occasions when people can be away together.
A curious thing happens when you take a group of people away from their ordinary surroundings. They become more creative, more open to new ideas, and they form strong bonds with each other rather quickly.

4. Assign a high value to communication.
There is nothing that makes us feel shut out of a group faster than to discover that other members have been informed about a topic when we have been left in the dark.

By Alan Loy McGinnis from “Bringing Out the Best in People"