Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Here are some strategies for developing positive attitudes "Mental Toughness: Baseball’s Winning Edge" by Karl Kuehl, John Kuehl, and Casey Tefertiller:

1. Establish a goal of being positive at all times.
Make this a habit, and emphasize in your mind the importance of remaining positive.

2. Have an attitude awareness
Constantly understand your attitudes and motivations. Without attitude awareness, it’s not possible to control attitudes.
3. When positive feelings lapse, will yourself into thinking and acting positively.

4. Use a positive distraction to overcome negative emotions.
When you cannot drive the negative thoughts from your mind, divert yourself by doing something particularly enjoyable, such as going to the gym to work out anxieties, reading a book, playing a musical instrument, or seeing a movie—something that will divert your mind from the negative.
5. Stay away from people with negative attitudes.
Negative attitudes are a virus that can be contagious. If a teammate cannot be persuaded to improve his attitude, don’t be influenced by him.
6. Right yourself emotionally after a mistake.
Otherwise you will be more likely to make another mistake. Assuming confident body language becomes a conscious effort to think and feel positively and allows you to move past the mistake and refocus on the game.
7. Plan and control your attitudes.
Attitudes control what you do and how you do it. When someone truthfully says, “I don’t know why I did that,” there is an unconscious, out-of-control attitude at work. Positive thinking is a choice of the rational mind, with the ability to convert negatives to positives and prevent negative drift.