Book #2
Coaching The Mental Game
H.A. Dorfman

The athlete’s mind should be on doing all the things she always does to prepare and to perform — without changing any aspect of that mental routine. She doesn’t plan to “try harder,” because this game “really matters.” She doesn’t entertain a win-or-else approach. She stays balanced and focused on the task, as always. Consistently and relentlessly. That should be the goal for an athlete, and intrusive points of view — such as the “urgency” and special meaning of an upcoming event — are likely to be counterproductive.
"The lowest common denominator every performer shares is the execution of the next task. What has happened and what might happen will vary with each athlete and each circumstance. But the next task must be made: a block, a tackle, a pass, a pitch, a stride, or a stroke. It is a universal truth within every game."
Have faith in your philosophy of leadership, but be pragmatic. Only a coach who has faith in himself will have faith in his players. Or get that same faith from them. Know how you want to go about directing your team—and do what you know—as long as you see its positive effect.
The ninety-year-old John Wooden again: “My basic philosophy would be the same
(now), but you have to change with society to some degree. There has to be a
line of demarcation, but you can’t be bull-headed.”
are not frivolous abandonments of philosophy. If the philosophy is based on
application, rather than just theory, then the coach will consistently be
observing how his players respond to him and to his techniques.COACHING ANGRY
People who are continually angry devour, at least, much of what is good about them. An angry coach loses his capacity to think -- to rationally assess, understand, and solve whatever needs a solution.
One of the dangers of being angry is that once a coach starts on it, he is apt to get much more than he bargained for. And so do the objects of his anger.
The coach should have a good reason for it -- and be in control of it. Meaning, anger acted out as a tool -- to teach or get one's attention -- can be an effective coaching device. It should be purposeful, calculated, and controlled.
One million brain cells are destroyed every day. Coaches shouldn't waste what they have left -- and need.
We may ride anger for a short while, but it will ride us in the long run.
An athlete must understand a few basic things if
he's going to improve his concentration skills. First, he should
understand what is possible to control and what is not. It's possible to
control one's thoughts, feelings and behavior. We can't control external
events, other people's thoughts and deeds, and consequences beyond our
behavior.-The athlete can tell himself what to do in positive terms
-The athlete can focus on the immediate, rather than past or future (The next task -- "now -- is all that can be acted upon.) -The athlete can focus on his approach, instead of results -- past or future.
It's often easier for an athlete to practice mental skills than physical. He doesn't need a physical environment. He can work on some concentration skills away from the field or arena, sometimes just by sitting in a chair at home.
A bonus post from Coaching The Mental Game on Tony LaRussa being a continual learner.