Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The following are notes from one of my former players and current college coach Latasha Dorsey -- herself a fine point guard.  Point Guard College not only does a tremendous job of developing points guards but also developing coaches to teach point guards and these notes came from a session that Latasha attended.

Dena Evans (PGC CEO): “You are your #1 critic. But you should also be your #1 fan.”

Confidence omes from 2 things:

#1 Preparation — time & effort

#2 What you think about all day...you become what you think about.

Rick Carlisle is most confident person Dena knows...He always thinks about the 1 good thing he did.

Dr. Bob Rotelo: “Allow yourself the luxury of forgetting the unpleasant experience.”

Diana Taruasi: She was 1-15 in national championship game. “I replayed the game in my mind that night and I never thought about it again. Yeah, I was mad, but I forgot about it and move on to the next challenge.”

Michael Jordan: “Think about mistakes for 15 to 20 minutes and never think about it again.”

Abraham Lincoln: “If we magnify our pleasures the way we magnify our disappointments, we would be a lot more successful.”

Thinking Positive Thoughts = Performing Better on Tasks

Write down 10 good things you did well in game/practice

Think about what it is that you love about playing

Train mental thoughts/habits

You have 100% control of your thoughts — no one can take that away

Control you mind, don’t let your mind control you.