30-second Rule: within the first thirty seconds of a conversation, say something encouraging to a person.
The 30-second rule gives people the triple-a treatment.
All people feel better and do better when you give them attention, affirmation, and appreciation.
“A gossip is one who talks to you about other people. A bore is one who talks to you about himself. And a brilliant conversationalist is one who talks to you about yourself.” ---William King-
The 30-second rule gives people energy.
Psychologist Henry H. Goddard concluded a study on energy levels in children using an instrument he called the “ergograph.” His findings are fascinating. He discovered that when tired children were given a word of praise or commendation, the ergograph showed an immediate upward surge of energy to children. When the children were criticized or discouraged, the ergograph showed that their physical energy took a sudden nosedive.