Commanders must be HUMANE; if they are not humane, their forces will not be effective. If their forces are not effective, they will not achieve anything. Therefore humaneness is the gut of warriorship.
Commanders must have INTEGRITY; without integrity, they have no power. If they have no power, they cannot bring out the best in their armies. Therefore integrity is the hand of warriorship.
Commanders must be TRUSTWORTHY; if they are not trustworthy, their orders will not be carried out. If their orders are not carried out, then forces will not be unified. If the armed forces are not unified, they will not have be successful. Therefore trustworthiness is the foot of warriorship.
Commanders must be superior in INTELLIGENCE; if they are not superior in intelligence their forces will lack resolution. Therefore resolution is the tail of warriorship.
The Lost Art Of War
Sun Tzu II
translated by Thomas Cleary