When you take over a new operation, some people will tell you that you ought to lie low, and look around before you do anything. But that's not me -- because I just don't think it works.
I say, whatever your philosophy, whatever your standards, whatever your expectations, you establish those on Day One. Don't wast a second! Let them adjust to you, not the other way around. You can always soften up if you need to, but you can't get tougher later on.
One of the most common mistakes new leaders make -- and I just can't for the life of me understand this one -- is to ignore the history of the organization they just took over, or even to disrespect it. That, to me, is the mark of a weak leader -- and one who's probably not going to last very long.
Let me be clear as I can be about this: When you become the leader, do not start your reign by dismantling or ignoring the contributions of those who came before. The history of your organization is one of your greatest strengths, and if you're new to the organization, it's your job to learn it, respect it and to teach it to the people coming up in your company.
From "Bo's Lasting Lessons"
By Bo Schembechler and John U. Bacon