• Embrace Change Because It Creates Opportunity: Dramatic changed open the door for dramatic improvements. I am convinced that the difference between success and failure is a function of how we respond to change. In short, we should pursue change with enthusiasm and believe that in every circumstance we can find new potential to experience greater success.
• Be Willing to Try Something New: When I took on the assignment as a marketing executive, I felt like I had entered a strange new world. It was exciting, but foreign to me. I soon realized that to succeed, I needed to learn new skills—and fast. I began taking classes and reading as much as I could. My self-imposed marketing boot camp did the trick. Even now, I keep reading and learning to endure that I never get stale.
• Don’t Be a Victim-Maintain a Positive Outlook: When setbacks occur, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of feeling like a victim. Even subconsciously, we may blame other people for our misfortunes. While these feeling are natural. It’s better to not let them dominate you. Here’s how I approach it: First, I try to understand what went wrong and what I have done differently. I then accept the experiences and lessons that resulted. Finally, I move on, believing that I’m a better, stronger person because of the valuable lesson I learned from the experience. In the end, our response to challenged perfects our character.
• Enjoy the Opportunity to Reinvent Yourself: When I was displaced, I know that it wouldn’t be the only hardship I’d face in my career. Rather than dread the future, I became eagerly excited. I looked forward to facing additional experiences that would require me to “reinvent” myself.