A moral value which means that a person is the same on the inside as he claims to be on the outside. A man of integrity can be trusted, and had confidence in the face of uncertainty. One of the greatest gifts that God gives a person is the ability to lie down at night satisfied with who he is and what he has done that day because he has acted with integrity.
The second quality is personal security.
I’m referring to emotional security, which comes from knowing and accepting who you are, why you are here, and where you are going.
The third quality for leadership is a sense of priority.
This is the ability to separate the important from the unimportant; the critical from the trivial; the vital from the insignificant; the eternal from the temporary. Until a person gets his priorities in life straight, everything else is going to be out of order.
The last quality I would mention is vision.
I have in mind here something greater than just a vision for you job, your business or even you family.