Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Good article by Dave Ramsey on building loyalty among your team:

In EntreLeadership, my small-business training program, I explain how business leaders can build a loyal team. The main principle is the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Luke 6:31)
Here are three important ways that principle plays out for a business leader:

Be consistent.
If you’ve ever had a boss who was unpredictable and explosive, you understand the value of consistency. When your team trusts you to back them up, to recognize them for a job well done, or to handle a negative situation with grace, you build a team that is confident that you value them.

Your team members are not units of production.
Business leaders are busy people, but sometimes you have to slow down and take time to look in your team members’ eyes. Sometimes, you will see pain or fear, and it is your job as a leader to find out what’s behind it. I call this “pastoring the flock.”
Treat team members with dignity.
I never want to install a time clock in my office. I never want employees who punch the clock and do just enough work to collect their checks—because there is no dignity in working like that. Treat your team members with dignity by giving them a voice and making it clear that their work matters to you and your business.
There’s no magic here, except for the magic that happens when you walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. Look at your business and its leadership through your team members’ eyes. How would you want to be treated?