Tuesday, August 10, 2010


JOHN WOODEN: "Success is peace of mind that is the direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming."

JIM TRESSEL: "I learned that winning is not simply scoring the most points. In fact, true success has little to do with the final score.

Part of what attracted me to Coach Wooden was his thoroughness. He wanted to make sure that he was thorough in working with every part of the player -- spiritually, academically and attitudinally.

Games come and go and the rings and trophies get dusty, but the legacy is really what players learn from their experience."

JOHN WOODEN: "Winning seem so important, but it actually is irrelevant. Having attempted to give our all is what matters -- and we are the only ones who really know the truth about our own capabilities and performance. Did we do our best at this point in our life? Did we leave all we have to give on the field, in the classroom, at the office or in the trenches? If we did, then we are a success -- at that stage in our life."

From "The Greatest Coach Ever" by The Fellowship of Christian Athletes
(A must read for any coach, regardless of sport, gender or age)