There have been a handful of books that have had an extreme influence on me and one of those is "Today Matters" by John Maxwell. It has had a profound effect on me in terms of how I view each day as well as how we want our team to view each day. We have t-shirts for our team that they wear the year round that simply says "Win Today." And by "Win" we mean being the absolute best we can be everyday. We have purple bands that they players wear around their wrists in the off-season. One one side is say "The Lady Tiger Way" and on the other side it says "Win Today." We recently presented our team with a booklet we made in the office on winning each day. On each calendar day it has a quote (90% of them come from Maxwell's "Today Matters" book.) And we ask them each day to do one thing above and beyond what is scheduled to make them a little bit better.
If you'd like a PDF copy of the 42-page booklet, simply email me at: and ask for the "Win Today Workbook."
Here is John Maxwell talking about how successful people decided on principles for themselves and then work each day based on those principles.