Wednesday, August 18, 2010


The following comes from Ken Blanchard:

Teams that are stuck, and don’t know how to get unstuck, can really stalemate innovation and growth. With a bit of training and skill-building on how to form and run teams, how to collaborate with others, and how to diagnose team development, people can get a whole lot more out of their teamwork. If your teams are stuck, chances are you are missing one or more of the following key characteristics of high performing teams:

Purpose and Values—Do your teams really know what their purpose, goals, and values are?

Empowerment—Are your people encouraged to take initiative?

Relationships and Collaboration—Do your people share ideas and respect each other’s differences?

Flexibility—Are your teams open to new ways of doing things?

Optimal Productivity—Do your teams consistently produce optimal results?

Recognition and Appreciation—Do you acknowledge each other’s accomplishments?

Morale—Are team members enthusiastic about their work?

Increasing the awareness and effectiveness in all of these key areas is sure to result in teams that actively engage in more collaboration, have higher morale, and produce stellar results.